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Value Studies

Friday 18 October 2013

After debating and reflecting upon my silhouettes I chose the following two to further develop:

I chose to first do two different value studies, one for each image. I didn't want to waste a great deal of time at this early stage of development so all studies are rough and in aid of inspiration. There is reasoning behind both silhouettes and why they've been selected, but this is made further apparent later during the documentation. 

Value Study 1
This value study was based off the first silhouette which was chosen as I believed it closely resembled a Kimono. Even though the image lacks detail, it gives a guideline of a rough outline and proportions.

Value Study 2
Here we have another piece of Kimono styled clothing, although this is something you'd most likely see being worn by either an emperor of empress. 

These value studies are based on outcome 3. If the boy is to one day become an emperor, he must dress accordingly. So, with that in mind I've chosen the more grander clothes of the Edo period. 

Next step - the next step forward is to research and confirm colour variations to use within the finial piece. 

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