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Concept Visualisation

Monday 7 October 2013


Held today was the induction of two initial briefings in regards to our first project. It was during these briefings where it was made apparent of our responsibilities for the project, Concept Visualisation.

Each assignment will be broken into two halves, the first half of this particular project will be focusing on Character Design as to the second which will be Environments - the final produce of this assignment are to be based around a character selected from Hans Christian Andersen's story "The Tinderbox" followed by a randomly selected time and place (Japans Edo period). So, the outcome of my project will be my own individual interpretation of a character from the story set in the Edo period - how I believe the character would behave and the aesthetics of that character. The final design submission will involve the following;
  • A short synopsis (our own interpretation)
  • A minimum of 50 character silhouettes
  • Character iteration
  • Static view model sheets
  • Character sheets
  • Research portfolio (blog entries)
  • Reflective journal (above applies)
Next step forward - my initial reaction after the briefing was to read through The Tinderbox and write a short synopsis. Ideally, whilst writing a synopsis I'll also acquire an understanding of each characters existing traits and gain an idea of how Christian chose to perceive each of them. I'm choosing to prioritize this as ultimately it has the ability to make the character more believable if I carry existing behaviours to mould my final character.  

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