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Project 1 - Part 2

Tuesday 5 November 2013


The second section of the assignment requests us to create an environment, one in which we can present our character in.

Before research, I already have four ideas in mind which fit suitably around my character. Listed and elaborated below:
  • Prison (alternatively, place of execution) - this idea was sprung to mind as I thought it'd be interesting as it was here where the shoe makers boy and the samurai first met, this could be a picture of reminiscence. 
  • Courtyard, or town (overlooking palace, alternatively town from palace) - another idea was the shoe makers boy with his new status in a palace, or alternatively in a Japanese themed town.
  • Tree - the tree plays a big part of the story as it's here where the story originally begins. 
I'll be doing four sketches in total which I'll then further develop. I started looking for inspirational images which I've inserted below, I couldn't find any images of a prison during the Edo Japan period so thought I'd scrap the idea.

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